
Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Hey guys!! I'm Macy and I sit at the table in front of the class with my 4 other "friends". First off, I hope we all did well on the quiz we did yesterday. We also learned 2 new topics yesterday, REFLECTION and STRETCHES!


  • has 2 types: Vertical and Horizontal stretches

1. Vertical Stretches

          -  the stretching of the graph away from the x-axis.
        - if the original (parent) function is y = (x), the vertical stretching or compressing of           the function is the function a f(x).
  • if 0 < < 1 (a fraction), the graph iscompressed vertically by a factor
     a units.
  • if > 1, the graph is stretched vertically by a factor of a units.
2. Horizontal Stretches

        - the stretching of the graph away from the y-axis. 
        if the original (parent) function is (x), the horizontal stretching or 
          compressing of the function is the function (ax).

  • if 0 < a < 1 (a fraction), the graph isstretched horizontally by a factor
     a units.
  • if a > 1, the graph is compressed horizontally by a factor of a units.

Here is a link that will help you understand REFLECTIONS and STRETCHES more: 

I hope I helped you understand more how to deal with Reflections and Stretches. If I wasn't able to help
then I suggest you to ask Mr. Piatek. :)

Oh and since we're all great mathematicians.. Here's a (lame) math joke to end my blog post:

Q: What is the definition of a polar bear?
A: A rectangular bear after a coordinate transformation.

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