
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Inverse of a Function and Restricted Domain

Hello Class! Navjot here!

Today we learned Restricted Domain and Inverse of a Function!  What does this mean? Well.... sometimes we have a function whose inverse is not a function. In this case you would restrict the domain of f(x) so that f-1(x) is also a function.  

  • Find the inverse of y = x2 + 1
function without an inverse function

From the graph you can clearly tell that the inverse of this function would not be a function, since it would not pass the vertical line test. In order to make this a function we would have to restrict the domain.

y = x^2 + 1, x <= 0

 In this graph the domain has been restricted to include only numbers that are less than 0. By doing this, the inverse of this function becomes a function. 

function and inverse function

The domain for the original function is x < 0 and the range would be 1 < y, therefore the domain for the inverse function would be 1 < x and the range would be y < 0.
REMEMBER: The domain of the original function becomes the range for the inverse and the range of the original function becomes the domain of the inverse!

I hope that this make sense and that you all learned something! And now I'll leave you with a joke:

Why do they never serve beer at a math party?
Because you can't drink and derive... 


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